Flying: Pickup is available. Lewiston is the closets commercial airport. You can fly into Lewiston and rent a car. You will not need 4 wheel drive rig.
We also have a runway within walking distance of the lodge. A backcountry air
charter can pick you up in Boise and fly you right to the lodge. Ray Arnold from Arnold Aviation or SP Aircraft can pick you up at the Boise Airport. We will meet you at the plane and pickup you and your gear with our truck. Phone: Arnold
Aviation at (208) 382-4336 or SP Aircraft (208) 383-3323 for pricing and

Driving: From Lewiston take Hwy 95 east to Grangeville. From Grangeville take Hwy
13 east through Grangeville until you reach Tackett ATV store to turn right here
it’s HWY 14 toward Elk City, just before Elk City on the right is an old sawmill site, just past the mill site is FR 222 bear right to Red River Ranger Station. At the Red River Ranger Station again bear right to Dixie (we have a sign there). Drive thru Dixie and we are located on the right hand side, you will is the lodge and our sign. The drive from Lewiston takes 3 1/2 hours.

Driving: From Missoula Montana take HWY 12 to Kooskia, Idaho. Then turn left on HWY 13 you will be going upstream along the south fork of the Clearwater River.
You will cross the river over a bridge and HWY 14 will be on your left turn here and stay along the river. Stay on 14 until you come to a stop sign and turn left, this is
still HWY 14 and along the river. Just before Elk City on the right is an old sawmill site, just past the mill site is FR 222 bear right to Red River Ranger Station and
Dixie. At the Red River Ranger Station again bear right to Dixie (we have a sign there). Drive thru Dixie and we are located on the right hand side, you will is the
lodge and our sign. The drive from Missoula takes 5 1/2 hours. DO NOT RELY ON A GPS UNIT IT MAY TAKE YOU THE WRONG WAY.