Your guide will be a licensed hunting guide in the state of Idaho with excellent knowledge of the backcountry, game calling, tracking, packing and care of your meat and hide. They will do their best to get you on game and to make your trip a memorable one. When your game is down they will field dress cape it out and pack it back to the lodge for storage in our insulated meat house or freezers. We will then transport it to Grangeville for processing and shipping. The processing, shipping and mounting is an extra
cost to you
6 Day Spring or Fall Bear Hunt Over Bait for 2025 $3,475.00
We run the spring bears over baits in the afternoon. You also have a choice
to run hounds in the morning. Hunts from May 15th to June 30th each year.
The fall hunts are August 30th to September 30th. This is a 6 day 5 night
(Monday thru Saturday) hunt over baits from the lodge. You will be hunting
5 of those days. You arrive on Monday before noon and your hunt will start
that afternoon. It includes 5 nights lodging and meals starting with lunch
Monday through breakfast on Saturday. Check out is before noon on
Saturday. On this hunt our guides will take you to a bait sites daily and pick
you up. We will also skin and pack out the meat for you. We have a meat
house and freezers to store your game. Idaho does not require you to keep
bear meat as of 2010. We can also make arrangements to have the meat processed in Grangeville, this would be at your expense. This is an easy hunt with the baits no more than 1/2 mile off 4X4 or ATV forest service roads. We use tree stands and ground blinds on these hunts. The spring bear hunts run from the middle of May to June 30th. We hunt units, 19 & 20. The cost of a bear tag in units, 19 & 20 are at a reduced price $41.75. Our fall bear hunts run from August 30th to September 15th. The cost of this hunt is $3,475.00 plus tax. If you wish to hunt for a second bear in either hunt the cost is $1,000.00 extra plus the cost of a 2nd bear tag $41.75.
6 Day Spring Spot & Stalk and Bait Bear Hunt For 2025 $6,000.00, this
hunt is a 3 person minimum.
This is a 7 day 6 night with 5 hunt days. (Sunday thru Saturday). This is in unit 20 and 20a. We run these hunts the last 2 weeks in April and May. You will be hunting 5 days. We use jetboats to access China Bar Lodge on the main Salmon River. This is our base of operations for the spot and stalk and
bait bear hunts. The jet boat will access remote area’s a on the main Salmon
River in the Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness Area. We will be
glassing open hillsides and hiking up drainages to viewing points to look for
bears feeding on balsam roots and grass. These can be long shots and
sometimes require a stalk in to close the distance for a shot. You can select
the bear you want on this hunt. We will skin and pack out the meat for you.
Idaho does not require you to take bear meat but if you choose to keep the
meat we can have the meat process for you in Grangeville Idaho. Processing
and shipping would be at your expense. We have a very high success on this
hunt with a chance to choose the bear you want These hunts run during the
last 2 weeks in April. You will need to arrive on Sunday before noon to pack into the lodge on the river. We will be hunting from a lodge and cabins on the Main Salmon River. We run the river by jet boat and hike the remote canyons and drainages of the Salmon River in the Frank Church Wilderness
to spot bears feeding on the mountain sides and stalk in for a shot, most of
these are long shots from 100 to 300 yards. We recommend that you be in
good physical condition for this hunt because it may require walk in steep
terrain. For the spot and stalk needs to be in good physical shape. If you want to sit on a bait, physicality is not a requirement.
To book your hunt give us a call and we will set your dates and email you invoice
for the hunt. We require 50 % deposit on booking the balance on spring hunts are due by April 1st and fall hunts are due by August 1st. We will get your license & bear tag for you. We accept cash, personal checks, bank checks Mastercard, and Visa
You can also pay on-line from your invoice. We charge a 3.5% service fee for
credit card